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La renaissance de la Barbotine

The rebirth of Barbotine

Barbotine, which fell into disgrace in the 20th century, is enjoying a captivating renaissance at the crossroads of ancestral techniques and modern creativity.

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Imaginez-vous dans le confort d'un plaid portugais !

Imagine yourself in the cosy nest of a Portuguese plaid!

Material, size, weave... How to choose the right plaid for your well-being and home decoration?

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Barcelos : la ville, son histoire et son coq.

The city of Barcelos, its rooster and its modern images.

Barcelos is a small town in northern Portugal. It is in this city that a legend was born around a pilgrim and a rooster, which later became the symbol of the city and then the symbol of Portugal. This national symbol is called today the Rooster of Barcelos or the Galo de Barcelos or the Portuguese Rooster.

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Julia Côta artiste portugaise

The fantastic world of Julia Cotà: Naive art or crafts?

Júlia Cotà is today one of the greatest living representatives of the "Barcelos Figurado", an artistic part of Portuguese popular culture. Are her creations crafts or are they naive art?

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Les différents types d'Azulejos

Portuguese tiles, Discover all kind of azulejos

Azulejos of Figura Avulsa, azulejos Padrão, azulejos hispano-arabes... There are many varieties of tiles. Discover them in a few minutes...

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Céramique de Coimbra

The traditional ceramics of Coimbra.

The ceramics of Coimbra, flourishing from the 16th to the 18th century, practically disappeared but find today the place it deserves thanks to some daring craftsmen...

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Les plus beaux marchés de Noël à Porto et Lisbonne

The best Christmas markets in Porto and Lisbon

The Christmas markets "Mercados de Natal" are the opportunity to meet craftsmen, creators, producers and traders in the heart of their profession, in a festive and warm atmosphere. Follow us in search of the most beautiful markets of Lisbon and Porto...

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Marinha Grande et l'artisanat du verre... Une histoire séculaire

Marinha Grande and the glass craft... An age-old history

In 1769, Guilherme Stephens, an Englishman who had emigrated to Portugal, under the advice of the Marquis of Pombal and by the will of the King, took over and developed the glass factory in Marinha Grande... Even today, Portuguese glass comes from this city.

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Azulejos du Portugal

Discover the history of the Portuguese Azulejos.

When you travel through Portugal, you will see public buildings, churches, monuments and even buildings or houses covered with tiles. Over time, these tiles have become one of Portugal's most popular emblems: They are called Azulejos.

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3 idées pour décorer sa maison à la portugaise

3 ideas to dress up your home in the Portuguese style

Have you just bought a house in Portugal or do you want to add a Portuguese touch to your interior design and don't know where to start? Here are 3 first ideas...

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Poteries noires de Bisalhaes

The black pottery of Bisalhães, protected by UNESCO but disappearing.

The black pottery of Bisalhães is unique in the world, has existed for more than 5 centuries and yet it is dying out. UNESCO has become aware of this and has just inscribed their manufacturing process on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding.

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Maroquinerie en liège

Cork leather goods. A unique know-how for a trendy material.

Cork is a material coming from the bark of cork oak. It is a material with unique physical properties that is used for bottle corks as well as by NASA or the most trendy fashion designers... Discover cork and its most recent applications.

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